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Fig. 4 | The Journal of Physiological Sciences

Fig. 4

From: Lactational exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate remains a potential risk in brain function of middle-aged male mice

Fig. 4

The effects of lactational PFOS exposure on anxiety-like behavior in middle-aged period. There was no significant difference in time spent in an open arm and a closed arm between groups in the session of the elevated pulse maze test (A). Also, time spent in an open arm did not differ between groups in percentage (B). The total traveling distance in an elevated pulse maze was comparable between groups (C). In the light–dark chamber test, no significant difference was detected in time spent in the light chamber between control and PFOS groups (D). Both groups increased time spent in a dark chamber at the statistically significant level (E). No difference in number of unburied marbles was observed in the marble burying test (F). * and *** indicate p < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively, by unpaired t-test. Data are expressed as the mean \(\pm\) SEM. n = 9 mice in each group

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