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Fig. 3 | The Journal of Physiological Sciences

Fig. 3

From: Circadian rhythm of intraocular pressure

Fig. 3

Driven-output stimuli generates circadian IOP rhythm. a Circadian time signals can generate rhythmicity through a self-sustainable autonomous rhythm by a single stimulation or a driven-output system by stimulation of circadian factors such as NE and GCs once a day. IOP rhythms may be independent of circadian clock regulation and may not be self-sustaining after a single stimulation. b Instillation of NE and GC induced a diurnal IOP rhythm on the 1st day, which disappeared on the 2nd day. c Exposure of TM cells to NE or dexamethasone (Dex) stimulation for 30 min and real-time phagocytic activity monitoring for 3 days. Circadian phagocytic rhythms were not detected. This figure was modified from previous studies [20, 26]

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