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Table 1 Study comparisons and corresponding statistical analysis: statistical tests that were applied for the statistical analysis of each comparison based on recommended allocation requirements

From: Evaluation of colour vision impairment during acute hypobaric hypoxia in aviation medicine: a randomized controlled trial



Data type

Statistical model

Colour vision ability—WCCVT

Comparison between two study groups for one particular time point, i.e. Mo/60/10,000 peri vs. Mo/60/15,000 peri

Number of correctly identified plates

Mann–Whitney U test

Comparison between particular time points within a study group, i.e. Mo/60/10,000 pre vs. Mo/60/10,000 peri

Friedman test

Comparison between eye side within a particular study group, i.e. Mo/60/10,000 pre left eye vs. Mo/60/10,000 pre right eye

t test

Correlation between scoring levels of the time point Peri and SpO2 saturation levels

Number of correctly identified plates and SpO2 saturation levels

Linear regression

Colour vision ability—WC-D15

Comparison between two study groups for one particular time point, i.e. Mo/60/10,000 pre vs. Mo/60/15,000 pre

S-Index, C-Index

Mann–Whitney U test

Comparison between particular time points within a study group, i.e. Mo/60/10,000 pre vs. Mo/60/10,000 peri

Friedman test

Comparison between eye side within a particular study group, i.e. Mo/60/10,000 pre left eye vs. Mo/60/10,000 pre right eye

t test

Correlation between scoring levels of the time point Peri and SpO2 saturation levels


Linear regression