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Table 1 Physical characteristics and medical condition of young and elderly subjects

From: Incremental rate of prefrontal oxygenation determines performance speed during cognitive Stroop test: the effect of ageing


Age (years)

Height (cm)

Body weight (kg)

BMI (kg/m2)

Subjects taking prescription medicines (medical condition)

Young subjects (n = 9)

23 ± 1

165 ± 4

56 ± 4

20 ± 1


Elderly subjects (n = 9)

64 ± 1

164 ± 2

63 ± 4

23 ± 1

Subject A

 Norvasc (for hypertension), Ludiomil, Depromel, Lendrmin (for mood disorder)

Subject B

 Diovan, Coniel (for hypertension)

 Januvia (for diabetes)

Subject C

 Nu-Lotan (for hypertension)

 Mevalotin (for hyperlipemia)

Subject D

 Caduet, Blopress (for hypertension)

Subject E

 Norvasc (for hypertension), implantation of cardiac pacemaker



  1. Values are mean ± SE
  2. BMI body mass index