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Fig. 10 | The Journal of Physiological Sciences

Fig. 10

From: Physiological insights of recent clinical diagnostic and therapeutic technologies for cardiovascular diseases

Fig. 10

a Pressure–volume area (PVA) indicated by the gray area is the sum of external work (EW) and potential energy (PE). PVA couples with myocardial oxygen consumption. b Theoretical analysis of the impact of left ventricular assist device (LVAD) on the pressure–volume (PV) loops. The loop in solid line represents the baseline PV loop. In partial LVAD support, LVAD decreases left ventricular end-diastolic volume and increases mean arterial pressure, which in turn increases end-systolic volume (loop in dashed line). On the other hand, total LVAD support markedly lowers left ventricular pressure to below the arterial pressure, yielding an extremely small PVA (loop in bold line). EDPVR end-diastolic pressure volume relation, ESPVR end-systolic pressure volume relation, V0 the volume-axis intercept of ESPVR, Vu the volume-axis intercept of EDPVR

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