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Table 2 Heart rate and systemic arterial blood pressure responses associated with each condition

From: Interactions between β-adrenergic vasodilation and cervical sympathetic nerves are mediated by α2-adrenoceptors in the rat masseter muscle

Heart and blood pressure measures


SPLN stimulation

CST section

CST section + SPLN stimulation

HR (beats/min)

433 ± 8

438 ± 8

444 ± 12

438 ± 8

Systolic SABP (mmHg)

141 ± 5

122 ± 6*

134 ± 5

123 ± 8

Diastolic SABP (mmHg)

89 ± 4

75 ± 4*

85 ± 4

77 ± 5

Mean SABP (mmHg)

106 ± 4

91 ± 4*

101 ± 4

92 ± 6

  1. Values in table are given as the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM)
  2. SPLN Splanchnic nerve, CST cervical sympathetic trunk, HR heart rate, SABP systemic arterial blood pressure
  3. * Significant difference from baseline at P < 0.01