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Table 7 The possible determinants of vital prognosis in the group home residents and outpatient clinic attendees by Cox proportional hazard analysis

From: The vital prognosis of elderly adults living in a group home in their mid-eighties


Hazard ratio (95 % CI)

p value

Group home residents

 EPA drug administration

0.058 (0.017–0.193)


 Hb, g/dl

0.608 (0.425–0.869)


 Left atrial overload

1.906 (0.776–4.683)


Outpatient clinic attendees

 EPA drug administration

1.29 (0.417–3.988)



0.798 (0.677–0.941)


 Atrial fibrillation

7.99 (2.609–24.463)


  1. Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to assess the association between EPA drug administration and mortality, adjusting for other factors that seemed to be related to prognosis in group home residents and outpatient clinic attendees
  2. CI confidence interval, BMI body mass index, Hb hemoglobin