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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of subjects

From: A new method of infrared thermography for quantification of brown adipose tissue activation in healthy adults (TACTICAL): a randomized trial


All (n = 24)

Low-BAT group (n = 18)a

High-BAT group (n = 6)a

Age (year)

23 (±0.4)

23 (±0.4)

22 (±0.5)

Body weight (kg)

59 (±1.4)

60 (±1.7)

57 (±1.7)

Height (m)

1.70 (±0.14)

1.70 (±0.17)

1.71 (±0.10)

BMI (kg/m2)

20.4 (±0.3)

20.6 (±0.3)

19.7 (±0.6)

Percentage body fat (BODPOD®)b

14.4 (±1.0)

15.0 (±1.2)

12.5 (±1.2)

Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L)

4.4 (±0.1)

4.4 (±0.1)

4.2 (±0.1)

Resting EE before capsinoids ingestion (kcal/day)

1483 (±36)

1505 (±47)

1410 (±70)

Resting EE before placebo ingestion (kcal/day)

1478 (±39)

1504 (±43)

1430 (±65)

  1. All values are presented as the mean (± standard error)
  2. BAT Brown adipose tissue, BMI body mass index, EE energy expenditure
  3. aSubjects were exposed to 5 min of cold stimulation by immersion of both hands and feet in 18 °C water and the cervical–supraclavicular (C-SCV) regions imaged (infrared thermography). The increase in heat production was calculated and compared to the baseline values. Subjects were then divided into two groups: those who showed a relatively smaller percentage change in heat production ( (low-BAT group) and those who showed a greater percentage increase in heat production (high-BAT group). Subjects with a percentage change in heat production of more than the average +1 standard error (SE) were arbitrarily categorized into the high-BAT group. Student’s t test showed no significant differences in other variables between the low-BAT and high-BAT groups
  4. bBOD POD® Body composition measurement test (COSMED, Rome, Italy)