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Fig. 3 | The Journal of Physiological Sciences

Fig. 3

From: Differential contribution of aortic and carotid sinus baroreflexes to control of heart rate and renal sympathetic nerve activity

Fig. 3

The influences of sequential baroafferent denervation on the absolute slopes of the ΔMAP–ΔHR curves (a) and the ΔMAP–ΔRSNA curves (b) during the phenylephrine- or nitroprusside-induced intervention. The slopes of the ΔMAP–ΔHR and ΔMAP–ΔRSNA curves in both AoN–CSN and CSN–AoN groups were analyzed by a two-way ANOVA (denervation order × the number of denervated baroafferent nerves). Since a significant interaction between the two factors was absent and the main effect of the number of the denervated nerves was significant, a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was performed with the Dunnett post hoc test. *Significant difference (P < 0.05) from the value in the intact condition

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