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Table 3 Changes in break-points during pulmonary rehabilitation with ghrelin or placebo

From: Effects of ghrelin treatment on exertional dyspnea in COPD: an exploratory analysis


Ghrelin,  %

Placebo,  %

Treatment effect (95 % CI; p valuea)

Dyspnea break-point

−17 (15)

1 (18)

−18 (−35.9 to −0.0; 0.049)

Noradrenaline break-point

−11 (12)

3 (16)

−14 (−29.1 to 1.0; 0.065)

Lactate break-point

−12 (12)

7 (13)

−19 (−34.1 to −4.2; 0.017)

  1. Data are presented as mean difference, i.e., ghrelin minus placebo (SD). Dyspnea, noradrenaline, and lactate break-points with ghrelin were determined for 9, 9, and 8 patients, respectively, and with placebo for 7, 7, and 6 patients, respectively
  2. %, ratio of each oxygen uptake (\({\dot{V}}_{{\rm O}_{2}}\)) at the break-point to Δ\({\dot{V}}_{{\rm O}_{2}}\) (peak \({\dot{V}}_{{\rm O}_{2}}\)− resting \({\dot{V}}_{{\rm O}_{2}}\)). Treatment effect: mean difference from pre-treatment (ghrelin minus placebo)
  3. aBetween-group difference (treatment effect) by unpaired t-test