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Table 1 Responses of heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and diastolic blood pressure to the graded right-leg kicking

From: Effect of systemic α1-adrenergic receptor blockade on central blood pressure response during exercise


Control condition

Prazosin condition

Heart rate, beat/min


61 ± 5

66 ± 5

 40 % MVC

76 ± 4*

93 ± 3*

 60 % MVC

87 ± 3*

107 ± 4*

Mean arterial pressure, mmHg


86 ± 5

80 ± 4

 40 % MVC

97 ± 6*

88 ± 6*

 60 % MVC

101 ± 8*

92 ± 4*

Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg


69 ± 4

64 ± 3

 40 % MVC

74 ± 5*

67 ± 5*

 60 % MVC

77 ± 7*

70 ± 4*

  1. Data are mean ± SEM
  2. MVC maximal voluntary contraction
  3. P < 0.05 vs. baseline
  4. P < 0.05 vs. control condition