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Table 2 Demonstration of T cell involvement in age-related regression of adrenal zona reticularis

From: T cells affect thymic involution during puberty by inducing regression of the adrenal reticularis

  1. Adrenal sections of 6- and 16-week-old BALB/c nu/+ mice, age-matched BALB/c nu/nu mice, and 16-week-old BALB/c nu/nu mice reconstituted with T cells as neonates, indicated by 16 (T) (for details, see “Materials and methods”), were stained with HE. The width of each zone of these sections was measured, and the ZF/ZR ratios were estimated from the volumes (cf. “Materials and methods”). All data are presented as the mean ± SD (n = 3–7/group)
  2. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01