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Table 3 Baseline MAP and HR of 8 CHF rats prior to white noise sound exposure starting after bilateral microinjection of saline or Tiron into the l/vlPAG

From: Augmented fear bradycardia in rats with heart failure


5–15 min after saline

5–15 min after Tiron

30–40 min after saline

30–40 min after Tiron

MAP (mmHg)

108 ± 3

93 ± 3*

110 ± 3

98 ± 5*

HR (beats per min)

415 ± 26

373 ± 14

397 ± 11

398 ± 18

  1. Values are mean ± SEM
  2. *P < 0.05 vs. saline at the corresponding time interval after administration, detected by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed by the Tukey’s post hoc test