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Fig. 3 | The Journal of Physiological Sciences

Fig. 3

From: The respiratory control mechanisms in the brainstem and spinal cord: integrative views of the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology

Fig. 3

Expression of enhanced-yellow-fluorescent protein (EYFP) signals driven by the mouse Phox2b enhance/promoter in the brainstem of transgenic Phox2b-EYFP/CreERT2 rats [28] from the rostral to the caudal region. In all of the micrographs, the upper side is the dorsal side. The experimental procedures are described by Ikeda et al. [28]. The experiments were performed in neonatal transgenic rats (P0–03). Su5 supratrigeminal nucleus, mlf medial longitudinal fasciculus, Py pyramidal tract, 5M motor trigeminal nucleus, Rt reticular nucleus, FN facial nucleus, pFRG parafacial respiratory group, 4V ventricle, nTS nucleus of the solitary tract, dnmX dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, Amb ambiguus nucleus, preBötC pre-Bötzinger complex, IO inferior olive, AP area postrema, 10N nucleus of vagus, 12N hypoglossal nucleus. Scale a–e, 1.0 mm; f 500 µm

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